Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jaded Blossom March Release Sneaks - Day 3

It's Day 3 of Sneaks!!!!!

So what do you think of the release so far?  FANTASTIC right??

You are just gonna love the next two sets we are revealing today!!  
They are AWESOME!!

Here is what I made today.

It's a Princess Treat Box and its a NEW file from SVG Cutting Files and its available today here.

Oh my gosh!! Isn't she so cute...I just love her!!

Here is a side view...

I used the Jaded Blossom 3x4 Clear Bag for the candy...I just cut the closure part off.  I also used the Candy Charm and Banner Die and the Flag Dies & Flag Dies 2.
And of course I used the new sets Royal Candies and Royal Treat Poems.

The FABULOUS Lady Jenna Rumple Ribbon is from LoveBug Creations.

Thank you so much for stopping by today.

Make sure you head on over to the Jaded Blossom Blog to check out ALL the FANASTIC creations from the Design Team.

And remember we will have another sneak for you tomorrow! Yay!!



  1. Just love this, your princess is so Gorgeous.

  2. omg shes adorable

  3. Awwww.... How sweet is this? And Yummy to boot! Love it all!!! Wonderful job, Trixie!!!

    Bug hugs,


Thank you for the sweet comments. I love reading them all!